The Kennedy
By John McAdams
© 1995-2008
didn't even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights . . . .
It's — it had to be some silly little Communist." — Jackie Kennedy, on
hearing that a leftist had been arrested for her husband's murder.
It's the most controversial case in modern American
history. Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill John Kennedy by himself, or did a conspiracy
do it? And if a conspiracy did it, did the conspiracy include Oswald?
If you are like most Americans, you believe that a conspiracy killed Kennedy.
And if you are like most Americans, you have heard a vast number of bogus
factoids about the case.
This web site is dedicated to debunking the mass of misinformation and
disinformation surrounding the murder of JFK. If you are believer in Oswald as a
lone gunman, you are likely to enjoy this web site, since most of that
misinformation and disinformation has come from conspiracists. But if you are a
sophisticated conspiracist, you likely understand that the mass of silly
nonsense in conspiracy books and documentaries does no service to the cause of
truth in the assassination, and simply buries the "case for conspiracy" under
layers of bunk.
Regardless of what you believe, several web sites, mostly
conspiracy-oriented are worth checking out. And you may also want to check
out my list of recommended books
on the assassination.
What sort of evidence is there?
Dealey Plaza
What about those witnesses? Didn't everyone hear shots
from the Grassy Knoll? What about the Tague wounding? Who was the "Umbrella
Man?" Was the rifle recovered really a Mauser? Does "acoustic evidence" show a
shot from the Grassy Knoll? Were the Three Tramps suspicious? How could
Kennedy's head go "back and to the left?"
The Single Bullet Theory
You've seen Kevin Costner give the
conspiracy version of the Single Bullet theory. You know: Connally seated
directly in front of Kennedy, at the same height, and facing straight ahead. Was
that really what happened?
Lee Harvey Oswald
What sort of person was he? Did he really have
"Top Secret" security clearance? Did he shoot at General Walker? Were there
two Oswalds? If Oswald shot Kennedy, what was his motive? Was the man
exhumed in 1981 really somebody besides Oswald?
Jim Garrison and New Orleans
Did Oswald really share an office with
Guy Banister? Did Clay Shaw really use the alias "Clay Bertrand?" Why did Oliver
Stone make a movie about the Shaw trial and not even mention Perry Raymond
Russo? Did David Ferrie die a "mysterious death?" What about Jim Garrison and
the Mafia?
Medical Evidence
Did the bullet that hit Kennedy in the back
penetrate only an inch and fall out? Was Kennedy hit in the head by a bullet
from in front? Are the autopsy photos and x-rays faked? Did all the doctors at
Parkland Hospital believe that Kennedy was hit in the front of the neck, and if
so, are their opinions decisive evidence that that is what happened? Was the
back of Kennedy's head blown out? Are the autopsy photos faked?
Bogus Evidence
Did you know that all the evidence in this case
proven to be forged has been on the conspiracy side? One key piece
originated with the KGB! Did you know that the "mysterious deaths" are virtually
all not so "mysterious" when you look at them closely? Do you trust authors like
Mark Lane to tell you the truth about what witnesses said?
Jack Ruby
The "lone nut" theory of the assassination is really the
"two lone nuts" theory. What sort of person was Jack Ruby? A mobster? An
intelligence agent? A small-time hustler? The sort of volatile character who
might really have shot Oswald out of righteous anger?
Oliver Stone's Movie "JFK"
We expect Hollywood movies to take some
liberties with the historical record. But what do we think when Hollywood turns
history on its head? Oliver Stone wants to overturn the verdict in the Clay Shaw
trial. The jury found that District Attorney Jim Garrison had no case — so Stone
invents a case on celluloid. Just how honest was Oliver Stone, Shaw's Hollywood
John Kennedy: Liberal Martyr?
For some in the conspiracy crowd, John
Kennedy was a liberal saint, who was going to implement policies that would
bring America into a new Utopia. So, of course, a threatened Power Elite had to
kill him. Was Kennedy the kind of left liberal who threatened established
interests? Was he a hero of Civil Rights? Had he decided to pull out of Vietnam?
Historian Eric Paddon dissects these claims in a series of essays based on his
posts on the Internet.
Assassination Logic
Some notions about logic, probability and
statistics necessarily underlie all discussion of "conspiracy" or "lone
assassin." Does the lone assassination theory involve too many implausible
"coincidences?" Are there a suspicious number of "connections" between various
figures in the case? Is the Single Bullet Theory highly "improbable?"
Assassination Witnesses
It writings about the assassination, as in
real-world criminal justice, witness testimony looms large. But just how
reliable are the witnesses? How many witnesses are just flat out telling tall
tales? How often are apparently sober and reliable witnesses just flat wrong?
Did Oswald Have a Girlfriend in New Orleans?
A woman named Judyth
Baker has come forward claiming to have been Oswald's adulterous lover in in
summer of 1963, to have participated with him in a secret bioweapons program
aimed at killing Castro, and to have inside knowledge of Oswald's "patsy" role
in the assassination. It's a good story, and she got a chance to tell it on the
History Channel in November 2003. But is it the truth?
The Assassination Context
What we think about the assassination is
dependent on what we think about history, and about the behavior of government
officials and bureaucrats. Was Kennedy a radical who threatened the status quo?
Did top administration officials order a coverup of a conspiracy soon after the
assassination? If the FBI and the CIA withhold documents, does this mean that
they are protecting assassination conspirators?
Release the Documents!
This has long been the cry of the conspiracy
theorists. Supposedly, the documents show that a conspiracy killed Kennedy. In
fact, the government in the 1990s released a massive number of documents. The
Assassination Records Review Board had a mandate to identify and oversee the
release of documents in government hands, and in private hands.
Hear History Happen
Recording devices monitored the two radio
channels used by the Dallas Police Department, and these recordings are a vivid
"real time" account of the frenzy of activity that followed the shooting. Here
are selected audio clips beginning a couple of minutes before the assassination
and ending with the arrest of Oswald in the Texas Theatre.
NewsgroupDo you want to ask for more information, or
discuss or debate some of the issues raised here? The moderated
run by Peter Fokes and John McAdams, is the place to go — whether you
are a "newbie" with questions to ask, or a researcher with some evidence
you want to present to the research community. |
Featured Articles
I don't necessarily agree with all the conclusions these authors have drawn,
but everything here is a solid piece of work that deserves your attention. All
are copyrighted, and all posted here with permission.
Garrisonites are a rather peculiar and paranoid cult among
conspiracy believers, and Joan Mellen's book A Farewell to Justice is
the latest to defend District Attorney Jim Garrison, whose ill-conceived
campaign to convict Clay Shaw of the JFK assassination was the subject of the movie "JFK."
Yet, like the movie, Mellen has fallen into the trap of believing the most
incredible sources and adopting the most outlandish theories in an attempt to
vindicate the DA, as Patricia Lambert shows in this review of the book.
In another essay, Dave Reitzes discusses Garrison's central, critical witness,
a fellow named Perry Raymond Russo. Mellen accepts his testimony, which
Reitzes shows was vastly
unreliable. Finally, Lambert shows how Mellen blew off the testimony of a key
reliable witness, one Dr. Frank Silva, when it conflicted with the
Garrison version of events.
When a reputable historian publishes a JFK assassination book with a
reputable academic press, it should be judicious in its use of sources and
prudent in its judgments. But, alas, David Kaiser's book The Road to
Dallas turns out to be just another conspiracy book, not too different
from scores of others. Read a review by webmaster John McAdams on
the e-zine Washington Decoded.
Ed Hoffman is a witness who claims to have seen an actual Grassy
Knoll shooter -- as well as an accomplice who dismantled and concealed the
rifle. Is Hoffman telling the truth? Researcher Duke Lane does an intensive
analysis both of witness testimony and the terrain of the area in "Freeway Man."
Nothing about the assassination is more important than the issue of
when the shots in Dealey Plaza were fired. Pick your timing, and it may be
consistent with or entirely debunk a single shooter in the Texas School Book
Depository. A new essay by
Kenneth R. Scearce supports a new theory about the timing that puts the
first shot far earlier than anybody has heretofore theorized. Of course, this
theory has generated controversy, so you might want to check out a reply from
computer animation specialist Dale Myers.
- Author David Talbot ought to the the sort of sober and serious
person we would expect a member of the mainstream media to be on the
assassination, but alas he isn't. Veteran journalist Don Bohning, who long
reported on Talbot's prime suspects in the Miami Cuban community, finds
Talbot's book Brothers to
be pretty much another buff book, with credulous acceptance of suspect
witnesses and a very selective use of the documentary record.
- Mel Ayton has a new essay on Conspiracy Thinking and the John
F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Assassinations." Ayton
believes that all conspiracy thinking has several common threads.
- There has been a recent spate of new books and new theories about the
assassination, including a German
television documentary called "Rendezvous With Death" from Wilfried
Huismann and Gus Russo and the book Ultimate
Sacrifice by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann. Do we have any
compelling new evidence or interpretations here, or is this just more
unsupported conspiracy theorizing? A new essay by Mel Ayton critically
examines the evidence.
- "Rendezvous
With Death", claims to have discovered compelling new evidence that Fidel
Castro had John Kennedy killed, using Lee Oswald as hit man and patsy. It has
received a
mixed reception, at best. A new essay by David Lifton
accepts, for the sake of argument, the data produced by the authors of
"Rendezvous With Death" and points out that it could be interpreted in a way
very different from what the documentary proposes.
- The History Channel has a record of showing reasonably reliable
documentaries on subjects like wars, Nazis, the history of popular culture and
the like. But their record on the Kennedy assassination is abysmal. The series
"The Men Who Killed Kennedy" has a record of touting the most implausible and bizarre
theories. But they managed to reach a new low with an episode titled "The
Guilty Men" which fingered Lyndon Johnson as the prime mover behind the
assassination. In this article, journalist and historian Max
Holland dissects the entire series, and especially the installment on LBJ.
And veteran JFK researcher Dave Perry critiques the reliability of the
supposed "evidence" in an article
from his website. And one of the accused conspirators, Malcolm Liggett, is
The History Channel over the supposed "documentary."
- The "acoustic evidence" got a boost in 2001, when a scientist named D.B.
Thomas published an article claiming to have corrected the statistical
treatment in earlier studies and found clear evidence of
a shot from the Grassy Knoll. However, a recent careful study of the
timing on the events on the Dallas Police tape by Michael O'Dell shows that the "shots" happened too
late to actually be shots. Thus the "acoustic evidence" was to acoustic
science what cold fusion was to physics: an example of how even reputable
scientists can jump to conclusions when faced with the possibility of an
"explosive" discovery.
- Of course there are all kinds of wild and woolly theories connecting
Oswald to the CIA. But some responsible and sober researchers have argued that
the Agency knew more about and had a more intense interest in Oswald than they
have ever admitted. One such researcher is Jefferson Morley, world news editor
of His
article "What Jane Roman
Said" outlines the evidence.
- Among conspiracy-oriented researchers, there is a deep gulf between the
more moderate and sensible ones, and those who'll promote any bogus piece of
"conspiracy evidence." Ulric Shannon is one of the former, and he explains in this essay why
he thinks the "I'll believe anything that implies conspiracy" crowd is so
- Researcher Bill Drenas debuted his essay "Car #10, Where Are You" on
this web site in 1997. The current version has some minor factual corrections
and much new material. Not pushing any conspiracy theory, but not a debunking
exercise either, it's a very careful attempt to nail down Tippit's whereabouts
— minute by minute — on the day he died.
- A related essay from Drenas involves the Top Ten Record Shop. This
classic Oak Cliff location was where Officer Tippit stopped shortly before he
was shot. It's still in business, and you'll almost certainly want to visit
when you are in Dallas.
- Long-time researcher Gus Russo, author of the recently released book
Live By the Sword has an interesting story to tell about
his own personal commitment to the case, and his changing views about who
killed JFK, and his changing views of John and Robert Kennedy, excerpted
from his book.
- Canadian Peter Whitmey is a conspiracy-oriented researcher who sometimes
takes issue with conspiracy arguments and witnesses. His articles on this site
deal with issues such as a possibly sinister conversation overheard in a Winnipeg
airport, a little-known New Orleans figure named Clem H. Sehrt, an
interesting connection between Oswald biographer Priscilla McMillan and a
rather suspect New
Orleans witness named Ron Lewis, and the phone records of David
Ferrie, accused plotter. A long essay of his titled "Creating a Patsy"
brings his research up to date as of the release of the Vincent Bugliosi book.
- Gerald Posner and his book Case Closed have come under heavy
attack from the community of conspiracy-oriented "researchers." In "Defending Posner"
Michael Russ compares what the conspiracy buffs say Posner said to what Posner
actually said. It seems buffs are no more accurate when attacking their
enemies than when discussing the assassination.
- Researcher David Perry has been "doing" the assassination for several
years, and has seen a continual stream of "revelations" come and go. In his
essay "A Few Good Men" he
discusses publicity-seeking, and particularly the Loy Factor story.
- Tony Marsh's essay "Circumstantial Evidence of a Head
Shot From The Grassy Knoll" is now available online. Based on careful
analysis of the movements of the occupants of the presidential limo, of the
HSCA acoustic evidence, and of a "jiggle analysis" of the Zapruder film, it
represents a bold and interesting attempt to put the evidence together in a
compelling way. It was originally presented at the 1993 Third Decade
- Just how many different people have been accused of being (or
have confessed to being) either a shooter or an accomplice in Dealey Plaza?
Researcher David Perry has compiled the most complete known list. His Rashomon to the Extreme! is
that list. Of the 68 people on this list, at least one is guilty.
- The essay, A Conspiracy
Too Big by Fred Litwin asks about the credibility of any theory that holds
that a conspiracy faked all the evidence that conspiracy theorists say is
- John Locke's FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions) outlines the evidence, from the perspective of a person
who believes Oswald did it alone. A good briefing for someone who has only
read conspiracy books, and wants the other side of the story.
- A Bad Case of Deja Vu,
another essay by John Locke, compares the O.J. Simpson defense to conspiracy
thinking in the Kennedy assassination. Would the intellectual habits of the
conspiracy buffs have let O.J. go free? Locke says "yes."
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Take a look at John McAdams' picks of the best resources on other Kennedy
assassination web pages. These are "out of the ordinary" offerings
by web authors who have made something unique and unusual available on the 'net.